Sunday, May 24, 2009

Up to Speed

I can hardly believe its been 22 days since my last post, bad me. I could try to blame my lack of blogging on the fact that Bill's parents are visiting, but someone might point out the fact they have only been here since the 20th. Hardly a rock solid alibi.

So what have I been doing since my last post.
Where to begin:

We did 2 days and one night in Disney before our seasonal passes where blocked off.

Ava was housebroken, so no more diapers for one child!! YIPPEE! As her 3rd birthday approached I was getting nervous, so I knew I had to get her going (literally). She went cold turkey, I told her one morning, take off your diaper you are using the potty, no more pull ups. She was upset, and there where many accidents but she got it within a week we had one accident a day, and after that, no more accidents!!

Bill's parents came to visit and are in FL until Wed.

Projects: I have a bunch on my "to do" list. But I just completed a baby dress for a friend, its a repeat project, but its super cute. I will post pictures soon. My camera must be upset with my PC because they are choosing not to communicate tonight. I wonder which on will end up sleeping on the couch tonight?

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