Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Craft Workshop

One day I had the insane idea of hosting a craft workshop playdate at my house with my mom's group. In this crazy fit of creativity, the moms of girls where making tutus and the moms of boys where making superhero capes.

Well, you know where this is going. Today this nutty idea was implemented and can be best described and organized chaos. I think I burned 600 calories juggling and assisting everyone and their projects but it was incredibly fun and I loved every second of it.

I have to say, the members of my mom's group are VERY creativity. The tutus and capes turned out great! And it was nothing short of a miricle that no child go a hold of the various pairs of scissors and 450 pins being passed around today. Everyone left happy and with all their fingers and I was EXHAUSTED!


Super Hero Capes


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